Create account
Create your personal account for free and use our premium service for 30 days completely free of charge.
If you don’t want to continue using Premium, you don’t have to do anything. No termination is necessary.
After 30 days your account will automatically continue as a free account.
And create your ideas
Choose your favorite design and upload your own logo, images and edit the content as you need.
More than 50 free designs and more than 200 different settings possible.
Over 30 different plugins and connections available. Such as Mobile.de Carcopy, Paypal and many more.

Integrate your domain
You can easily connect your existing domain. No extra costs and can also be used with your free account.
If you do not have your own domain, you are welcome to order your own domain from our site.
Prices for a domain depending on the domain suffix
Add your vehicle inventory
Add your vehicle stock, upload pictures, create categories and manage your vehicle stock.
You can also import your vehicle inventory via Carcopy or forward the entered data to Mobile.de.

Start your own blog
Start your own blog on your own website.
Create and edit nice blog posts, manage comments and share on social.
Overview of your statistics
Gain valuable insights about your website with actionable information. Discover the most effective content and analyze your visitors’ behavior.
Utilize these valuable insights to take action and enhance your website. Analytics is integrated into the Dashboard of every published Justcar website.

Your job board
Run your own JobBoard.
Create your job advertisements on your own website, you will receive applications directly via your own website.